Views of a Mountain

Views of a Mountain

In winter the mountain is cloaked in white and often hidden in cloud, this is when I climbed its face most often and my memories of this place are eternally shrouded in white. A snow covered, towering force lurching out of the landscape of my childhood.

Each mountain is a small piece of the oldest mineral existing on and making up Snowdon's structure. The four hundred and fifty million year-old quartz is collected from the mountain's peak and hand carved without physical reference, from memory, to resemble Snowdon's image. The sculpture that now becomes an icon of the fantasy is then photographed where it was originally collected on the summit and left in situ, adding their height to the original peak and once again forming part of Snowdon itself.

'Views of a Mountain' is made up of two parts. Eight images that encapsulate the fantasy mountain form part one. Part two is a printed field journal.

Exhibited in cut concrete and stone frames made up of silica dust created in the quartz-carving process.

'Views of  Mountain' Installed, 2015. Digital C-type prints, hand carved concrete frames, non-reflective glass and quartz sculpture.

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